Nonparallel High-Quality Audio Super Resolution with Domain Adaptation and Resampling CycleGANs

Reo Yoneyama1*, Ryuichi Yamamoto2, and Kentaro Tachibana2

1Nagoya University, Japan, 2LINE Corporation, Japan

*Work performed during an internship at LINE Corporation.

Accepted to ICASSP 2023


Neural audio super-resolution models are typically trained on low- and high-resolution audio signal pairs. Although these methods achieve highly accurate super-resolution if the acoustic characteristics of the input data are similar to those of the training data, challenges remain: the models suffer from quality degradation for out-of-domain data, and paired data are required for training. To address these problems, we propose Dual-CycleGAN, a high-quality audio super-resolution method that can utilize unpaired data based on two connected cycle consistent generative adversarial networks (CycleGAN). Our method decomposes the super-resolution method into domain adaptation and resampling processes to handle acoustic mismatch in the unpaired low- and high-resolution signals. The two processes are then jointly optimized within the CycleGAN framework. Experimental results verify that the proposed method significantly outperforms conventional methods when paired data are not available.

[Arxiv] [Code]

Overview of the proposed Dual-CycleGAN.
Preference scores for SR across different recording environments. The domain of LJSpeech [1] corpus to the domain of VCTK [2] corpus.
Preference scores for the ablation study with the situation of SR across different recording environments.
Sound quality mean opinion score (MOS) test results for SR on TTS-generated speech. The TTS-system was VITS [3] trained on VCTK.
spectrogram of ground truth 22.05 kHz
Spectrogram of ground truth (GT) LJ001-0056 at 22.05 kHz from LJSpeech corpus.
spectrogram of 48 kHz speech up-sampled with WSRGlow
Spectrogram of up-sampled LJ001-0056 (16 -> 48 kHz) with WSRGlow [4].
spectrogram of 48 kHz speech up-sampled with HiFi-GAN+
Spectrogram of up-sampled LJ001-0056 (16 -> 48 kHz) with HiFi-GAN+ [5].
spectrogram of 48 kHz speech up-sampled with Dual-CycleGAN
Spectrogram of up-sampled LJ001-0056 (16 -> 48 kHz) with Dual-CycleGAN.
spectrogram of ground truth 48 kHz speech from target domain
Spectrogram of speech from target domain (s5_177 from VCTK corpus).

Demo 1: SR Across Different Recording Environments

Here we provide up-sampled speech samples (16 kHz -> 48 kHz) using LJSpeech corpus [1]. The baselines are WSRGlow [2], HiFi-GAN+ [3], and a single CycleGAN [6] based non-parallel SR model. WSRGlow and HiFi-GAN+, which need parallel data for training, were trained on VCTK [5] corpus since the LJSpeech corpus is recorded at 22.05 kHz and paired 16 kHz and 48 kHz audio data are unavailable. On the other hand, CycleGAN and Dual-CycleGAN were trained on LJSpeech and VCTK in a non-parallel training manner. The provided speech samples are randomly selected.

Target domain of
p351_009 p362_010 p364_247 p374_109 p376_099 s5_212
GT 48 kHz
(VCTK corpus)
Model LJ001-0056 LJ005-0204 LJ011-0181 LJ019-0317 LJ024-0121 LJ027-0065 LJ030-0114 LJ048-0073
GT 16 kHz
GT 22.05 kHz
w/o Fine-tune
w/o Mel-loss

Demo 2: SR on TTS Generated Speech

Here we provide up-sampled speech samples (16 kHz -> 48 kHz) generated from a TTS system. We used VITS [3] as the TTS system. The baselines are WSRGlow, HiFi-GAN+, and a single CycleGAN-based non-parallel SR model. WSRGlow and HiFi-GAN+, which need parallel data for training, were trained on 16 kHz and 48 kHz recorded samples of VCTK corpus since TTS-generated speech has different acoustic features from ground truth speech. CycleGAN and Dual-CycleGAN were trained on TTS-generated and ground truth VCTK in a non-parallel training manner. The provided speech samples are randomly selected.

Model p351_008 p361_413 p362_168 p363_023 p364_220 p374_282 p376_022 s5_358
VITS 16 kHz
VITS 48 kHz
GT 48 kHz


    author = {Reo Yoneyama and Ryuichi Yamamoto and Kentaro Tachibana},
    title = {{Nonparallel High-Quality Audio Super Resolution with Domain Adaptation and Resampling CycleGANs}},
    year = {2022},
    publisher = {arXiv},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2210.15887},
    copyright = { perpetual, non-exclusive license}


[1] K. Ito and L. Johnson, “The LJ Speech Dataset,” https: //, 2017.

[2] J. Yamagishi, C. Veaux, and K. MacDonald, “CSTR VCTK Corpus: English Multi-speaker Corpus for CSTR Voice Cloning Toolkit,” 2019.

[3] J. Kim, J. Kong, and J. Son, “Conditional Variational Autoencoder with Adversarial Learning for End-to-End Textto-Speech,” in Proc. ICML, 2021, pp. 5530–5540.

[4] K. Zhang, Y. Ren, C. Xu, and Z. Zhao, “WSRGlow: A GlowBased Waveform Generative Model for Audio SuperResolution,” in Proc. Interspeech, 2021, pp. 1649–1653.

[5] J. Su, Y. Wang, A. Finkelstein, and Z. Jin, “Bandwidth Extension is All You Need,” in Proc. ICASSP, 2021, pp. 696– 700.

[6] J.-Y. Zhu, T. Park, P. Isola, and A. A. Efros, “Unpaired Imageto-Image Translation using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks,” in Proc. ICCV, 2017.
